About Me
Image of Michael operating GX 3CO/P from Packing Shed Island, Essex
This site deals mainly with my amateur radio activity, but please click here to view my Blog, or here to view my profile on Academia.
My interest in Amateur Radio began when I was fifteen, after a visit to the National Radio Centre at Bletchley Park in Milton Keynes, England. After having a go on the radio there, I was hooked, and took my Foundation exam about two months later, gaining the callsign M6EIO with the Colchester Radio Amateurs (CRA). My first radio was a borrowed Icom IC-706 Mk1. In November 2013 I sat and passed my Intermediate Exam and took the callsign 2E0GUI.
Studies, exams, work and life intervened and, although I remained interested in radio, I spent about two years (2015-17) inactive on air. In this time I moved to, and returned from, South Wales. Having returned I found employment and once again took up the hobby. I met and fell in love with Jackie, marrying her in August 2021. Jackie and I moved from Colchester to Glasgow in January 2022 as I took up my studies at the University of Glasgow, operating initially as 2M0GUI.
Nearly ten years after gaining my Intermediate licence, on 13th March 2023, I (finally!) sat and passed my Full exam, taking the callsign GM5AUG a couple of days later. I was pleased to be able to choose the three letters at the end of my call, and chose them in memory of Ron G4AUG, now S/K, who features throughout this website. You can read more about how I came in to Amateur Radio in the My Journey page. Around this time I officially surrendered my Foundation and Intermediate callsigns, from then on operating solely as GM5AUG.
In my spare time, I enjoy researching vintage or antique Amateur Radio ephemera, a selection of which may be viewed in the File Store. I often update this so do check back every now and then. Those interested in Amateur Radio history may find this link of interest, while this link goes to a fascinating BBC documentary about the early days of broadcasting and this link to a BBC Radio 4 documentary about amateur radio.
I’m licensed as VP8EBL on the Falkland Islands and intend to operate there on my future visit.
I continue to learn, get pleasure, have fun, and relax in the Amateur Radio hobby, enjoying working primarily on HF, but also occasionally on VHF and UHF. Ordinarily I use CW but also sometimes enjoy voice modes. Maybe we’ll work each other some day, if not already. My QRZ page is not especially interesting as it just links back here, but I do keep this page largely up to date.
Please QSL either directly or via the Bureau. QSL cards happily sent on request.
Michael sailing, one of his other hobbies, which he doesn’t get chance to do nearly enough.
When sailing I also serve as ‘Radio Officer’, having taken my VHF SRC Exam, and holding a Licence to Operate.