The Bench The operating ‘bench’


The radios in my shack are as follow:

  • My main radio in the shack is an Icom IC-7100, this giving me 100w output across the HF bands, 50w on 2m and 35w on 70cms. My Icom is currently in for repair, so I am using the GUWS’ Icom IC-7300 on HF and 6m.
  • My 2m radio is a Tait TM-8110
  • My 4m radio is a Tait TM-8110
  • My 70cm radio is a Motorola GM350


As below, I have three main shack antennas, covering all of HF, plus 4/2/70. In due course I hope to add 23cms to my list of available bands.

  • HF/6m - End Fed Long Wire with 9:1 UnUn
  • 6m/2m/70cm - Diamond V-2000
  • 4m - Moonraker SQBM470


Other radios

Heathkit HW-8
The Heathkit HW-8

A new addition to my radio shack is this 1978 Heathkit HW-8 QRP transceiver. These rigs have a cult following in amateur radio owing to their simplicity, popularity and price. Giving between 2.5w to 3.5w INPUT on the 80m, 40m, 20m and 15m amateur bands, this rig is a lovely example of highly technical, yet compact, 70s radio technology. My rig is a little ‘QRH’ (the frequency can vary!) but I am hoping to be able to remedy this (and a few other issues) before too long. I will normally sign ‘/QRP’ when using this rig as it produces less than 5w. More information can be found at RigPix - Heathkit HW-8 or the HW-8 Handbook. I’ve already managed to work a few stations using ‘Hetty’ and look forward to working others.


Also seen in the picture at the top is a Raspberry Pi. I use the Pi to take VFO information from the radio and upload it to CloudLog, allowing me to log all of my contacts. CloudLog then automatically synchronizes with eQSL, LOTW and The Pi also hosts the packet node and controls the TNCs

Key and Rig My Morse paddle key - a MFJ-564 - with my rig in the background

I’ve found that, as I’ve only got a limited station, CW offers my best chance of making interesting QSOs with assorted DX. While I’ve got nothing against those who like/love them, I’ve never got in to FT8, FT4, JS8Call and the like - but I still get a thrill of a CW contact!

My key, an MFJ-564 Iambic paddle, once belonged to S/K Gavin Nesbitt (MM1BXF) who died tragically young. While I didn’t know him intimately, he and I used to chat via text/phonecall quite frequently, and he was very encouraging towards me getting my Full licence.

Straight Key My straight Morse key

This is my straight key. Although I make most of my CW contacts using my MFJ paddle (above), I keep this key plugged into the back of the rig in case I want to make a straight key contact. Reasons for this include coming across a SKCC member and wanting to exchange SKCC details. Also there are some times where I just fancy a straight key contact!